Province of RomeThe Regional committee of the Lazio region
The Italian Chess FederationThe Regional committee of the Lazio region
Province of FrosinoneThe Regional committee of the Lazio region
The Italian Chess FederationThe Regional committee of the Lazio region
Province of LatinaThe Regional committee of the Lazio region
The Italian Chess FederationThe Regional committee of the Lazio region
Province of RietiThe Regional committee of the Lazio region
The Italian Chess FederationThe Regional committee of the Lazio region
Province of ViterboThe Regional committee of the Lazio region

Lazio regional committee FSI

Members of the Committee

The Regional Committee is theperipheral organ of the FSI with the task of applying the provisions and the provisions issued by the central facility for promoting and regulating the activities in their own area of competence.

The Lazio regional committee FSI attuale è in carica per il quadriennio olimpico 2021-2024 ed  è composto da 8 membri:

  • 1 President
  • 4 Directors elected in the chess Clubs' quota
  • 2 Directors elected in players' quota
  • 1 Director elected in the instructors' quota

Carmine De Lisa

Vice President (Chess clubs Quota Member)

Players Quota Members

Instructors Quota Member

The laws of chess, the FIDE (the Fédération Internationale Des Echecs)

Federal technical regulation of the FSI (the Italian Chess Federation)

Domenico Zibellini


Laureato in Giurisprudenza all’Università “La Sapienza” di Roma

Avvocato del Foro di Roma, patrocinante in Corte di Cassazione, specializzato in materia di diritto civile e commerciale

Titolare dello Studio Legale sito in Roma, viale G. Mazzini n°117

Mediatore e Conciliatore in materia civile e commerciale nel 2010 ( A.D.R. Network)

Componente della Commissione studi del Consiglio dell’Ordine Avvocati di Roma
in materia di diritto civile e processuale civile nel 2014/2015

Componente della Commissione Federale di garanzia della Federazione Pugilistica Italiana

Corso e diploma della F.S.I. in materia di “Ruolo e comportamenti organizzativi del Dirigente sportivo” nell’anno 2013

Garante del codice etico del Comitato Regionale Lazio F.S.I. nel 2014

Componente del Comitato Regionale Lazio F.S.I. nel 2015/2016

Dirigente Sportivo della F.S.I. dal giugno 2019

Consigliere segretario e Vice presidente del Comitato Regionale Lazio F.S.I. nel quadriennio 2017 – 2020

FIDE Istructor E.C.U. (European Chess Union), diplomato nel gennaio 2016

Istruttore Nazionale F.S.I. dall’anno 2016

Consigliere e Vice presidente dell’ASD Quattro Pedoni Roma Nord dal 2015

Presidente del Comitato Regionale Lazio F.S.I. nel quadriennio 2020 – 2024

Vice Presidente

Carmine De Lisa

Vice President (Chess clubs Quota Member)

Carmine De Lisa, original Sassano (Salerno) lives in Rome, italy since 2000.

Degree in information Sciences (Computer science), works as a Project Manager in Engineering Computer Science And Engineering.

Category 1N (First National), Chief Instructor and a Director of the FSI.

Director and Vice President of ASD Four Towers.

Refer to the CV

Paolo Pellegrini

Chess clubs quota Member

Member of the Executive board of the School of Popular Chess 2016deals with aspects of organizational, managerial, legal and tax.

Elected to the Committee in the share of the company in 2022contributes to the management of the organizational aspects.

He graduated in law cum laude at the Luiss G. Carli, scouts and sports (athletics, handball, taekwondo, sailing, windsurfing, skiing), is Deputy Director General of Mefop, a company controlled by the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

Refer to the CV

Daniele Pirozzini

Chess clubs quota Member

Laureato in Lettere all’Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”

Perfezionato in “Informatica e Scienze Umanistiche”, Università degli Studi “La Sapienza” di Roma e CNR

Diplomato in pianoforte nel Conservatorio di Santa Cecilia di Roma

Docente di Storia e Letteratura nel triennio superiore

Progettista di corsi e Master PNSD (PON e PNRR)

Istruttore Nazionale FSI SNAQ-CONI dal 2015

Candidato Maestro FSI

Presidente dell’ASD Scacchi Valle dell’Aniene a partire dal 2010

Membro della Consulta dello Sport di Tivoli dal 2018

Refer to the CV

Olivier Tassi

Chess clubs quota Member

Nato a Strasburgo (Francia) il 25-08-1961, cittadinanza Italiana, sposato con due figlie.

Dirigente d’Azienda in società leader del settore Informatico, ricoprendo diversi ruoli sia tecnici che commerciali.

Maestro FIDE, rappresento l’Italia in diverse competizioni internazionali.

FIDE Trainer ed Istruttore nazionale FSI, sono docente in corsi di scacchi a vario livello.

Presidente del circolo scacchistico di Latina per diversi anni.

Refer to the CV

Alessio Elia

Players' quota Member

Chief Instructor – Tutor – Fide Instructor

Executive FSI level 1

Publisher Calendar National FSI for Lazio

Player agonist 1a national category

The president of the ASD “Alvise Zichichi” Ladispoli (RM) and responsible for the Federal School of 1° and 2° level

He works as a teacher in a secondary school and as an Architect

Massimo Muru

Players' quota Member

Nato a Roma il 17/3/1966.

Attualmente lavoro come Software Engineer presso la Luiss Guido Carli di Roma con il ruolo di Responsabile dei Sistemi Applicativi.

Categoria 2N (Seconda Nazionale).

Sono stato Vice Presidente del DFL Steinitz e dal 2020 al giugno del 2024 Presidente dell’ASD Steinitz Roma.

Carla Mircoli

Instructors' quota Member

  • Master ad Honorem of the Italian Chess Federation
  • Developmental Instructor FIDE – Federation International des Echecs / World Chess Federation
  • National instructor Tutor FSI – CONES
  • Instructor of the year” FSI in 2008
  • Member of the Commission of the Instructors of the FSI – 2020
  • The sports director of the First Level

School projects

Has worked for over 15 years, with the schools of Rome and the Lazio region with its projects: Chess against bullying – respect of the rules — Chess and mathematics — Giocomotricità and Coding on a giant chessboard — Chess multidisciplinary

Books and Publications

  • For the FSI – The Two Towers has taken care of theTechnical Guide” chapter “Chess as a gym for Problem solving”.
  • He has written for The Two Towers “Laboratory-Chess” Games of chess creative and fun “Chess and enigmistica”;
  • For Lisciani Games has edited the illustrated guide of the box game “Grand Master Chess”;
  • For Alpes has written the chapter “Chess against bullying – respect of the rules” of the publication “the school with the King”

Refer to the CV

Communications Committee


Commissions Calendar Folco Ferretti Fabrizio False Michele Blonna Technical Contacts The trustee of the Arbitrators Remo Sayour The site...

Calendar CIS promotion 2023

Have been published on the page of the CIS 2023 of the site the group winners and the full calendar of meetings of the Italian team Championship series Promotion of the region of Lazio.72 teams competing in the 12 groups to...

Calendar tournaments Lazio

It is available in the schedule of the tournaments approved by the Regional Committee of the Lazio region for the period October 2023 - march 2024. We invite the ASD applicants to verify and to report any errors by Friday, July 28.

Communication for typo

This is to inform that in the file relating to the Convening of the Electoral Assembly of the Extraordinary and the Convening of the Ordinary general Meeting are present, to a misprint, the errors on the e-mail addresses for communications. The ever correct:

Regional elections 2020 – update applications

New list of candidates, up-to-date for some retreats, for the regional elections in 2020. See the attached file.
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