Province of RomeThe Regional committee of the Lazio region
The Italian Chess FederationThe Regional committee of the Lazio region
Province of FrosinoneThe Regional committee of the Lazio region
The Italian Chess FederationThe Regional committee of the Lazio region
Province of LatinaThe Regional committee of the Lazio region
The Italian Chess FederationThe Regional committee of the Lazio region
Province of RietiThe Regional committee of the Lazio region
The Italian Chess FederationThe Regional committee of the Lazio region
Province of ViterboThe Regional committee of the Lazio region

Referees chess Lazio

The Referee is a member of the FSI which has been designated to lead a rally racingensures the smooth running, with full powers to the implementation of the Regulations, within the limits established by the same, regardless of the category and title. Each rally racing must be conducted by an Arbitrator for the entire duration.

You become a referee after attending a special course in theoreticalto have made a practical training in an official tournament, and after passing the examination. You advance then category surpassing other exams that are proportionate to the various levels.

International arbitrators

Referees FIDE

Referees in the national

Referees in the national nominees

  • Andrea Vinegar

  • Claudio Costantini

  • Fabio Facciaroni

  • Pierfederico Iannamorelli

  • Giorgio Proietti

  • Rosario Lucio Ragonese

  • Franca Vorano

Referees regional

  • Alberto Andreini

  • Artissi Sabrina

  • Vincenzo Costabile

  • Mauro Cozzi

  • Michele Donato

  • Alessandro Luzietti


The laws of chess, the FIDE (the Fédération Internationale Des Echecs)

Federal technical regulation of the FSI (the Italian Chess Federation)

View of the availability and designations of the arbitration

Massimo Maione

Trustee referees

Acquired the title of Referee in the Regional in December 2015

become a Referee The candidate of the National in 2018 in Naples

promoted to National referee in 2021 (after the Covid) to Rimini.

He holds the position of The trustee of the Arbitrators Area, Lazio-Abruzzo since July of 2021;

in 2022 acquires the title of Instructor of the Arbitrators.

Active in many international tournaments, Festivals and many national finals CIG U16 (first) U18 2021 holding the position of Pairing Officer as well as head of the sector of the age groups.

Lately, in addition to arbitrate, manages the exchequer electronic of the National Finals of the most important Chess for the FSI (Master, CIA, etc)

See the profile

Sergio Pagano

International referee

Born in 1960, chess player since 1977 (currently, candidate master FSI),

International referee since 1998 (currently band D),

Chief instructor FSI and FIDE instructor,

Tutor of referees and instructors FSI,

in the past: member of CAF, commissioner CAF,

Federal councillor FSI.

See the profile

Ilaria Olivo

International referee

Chess player since 2000First National Category

He began his career arbitration 2009, it is currently Referee of the International category C

The instructor of the Arbitrators and Instructor of the Base FSI

A member of the School board of the Federal and of the Technical Committee of the Italian Chess Federation

She arbitration numerous tournaments, including events at the international, european and world

See the profile

Upcoming courses arbitration

Training course and exam session for Referees Regional

Still in the testing already started the CAF and the Trustee, Area of Lazio, Tuscany and Umbria have enabled online training for Arbitrators of the Regional will be held from the 8th to the 23rd of May on the electronic platform.The registration...

Updating Course For Arbitration

The regional Trustee of the Arbitrators of the Lazio region, in collaboration with the Regional Committee of the Lazio, and with the permission of the C. A. F., organise a SEMINAR TO UPDATE the ARBITRATION is open to all Arbitrators duly registered with...

The course of training and updating of arbitration

Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 November, The Regional Committee of the F. S. I. Lazio and the regional Trustee of the Arbitrators, with the permission of the C. A. F. F. S. I., organize the course for referees, Saturday, November 17, the seminar of arbitration....

During The Arbitrators Regional

Organised by the Regional Committee of the Lazio region, in collaboration with the trustee of the arbitrators , was held in Rome, at the ADS SS Lazio Chess , in the 18th and 19th of June the course for referees regional examinations that have been...

Course framework to Referee the Regional

The Regional Committee of the Lazio and the trustee of the arbitrators of the Lazio was held in Rome the course for The framework to Referee in the Regional". THE course will be held on 18 and 19 June, at the circle of SS Lazio in via Nathan 41. The exam can be...

Refresher course on the new Federal Regulation

The Regional Committee and the Regional Trustee of the Arbitrators, in collaboration with the ASD Academy Chess Roman organizes the “Progress update on the new Federal Regulation in force from September 1, 2014”. In consideration...

Course for Referees Regional

The Regional Committee of the Lazio and the CAF - Regional Trustee of the Arbitrators in collaboration with the ASD Circolo Chess Vitinia announce the COURSE FOR REFEREES OF CHESS that is valid for admission to the examinations of the Referee in the Regional Rome, 11 - 12...

Postponed the SEMINAR for REFEREES F. S. I.

It was postponed to a date to be decided at the SEMINAR for REFEREES F. S. I. scheduled for Saturday, 26 November 2011 at the premises of the ASD Rocca Priora" (via della Rocca 23 ROCCA PRIORA - RM), to care FOR Manlio...
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