Training course and exam session for Referees Regional

Still in the testing already started the CAF and the Trustee, Area of Lazio, Tuscany and Umbria have enabled online training for Arbitrators of the Regional will be held from the 8th to the 23rd of May on the electronic platform.The registration...

Updating Course For Arbitration

The regional Trustee of the Arbitrators of the Lazio region, in collaboration with the Regional Committee of the Lazio, and with the permission of the C. A. F., organise a SEMINAR TO UPDATE the ARBITRATION is open to all Arbitrators duly registered with...

The course of training and updating of arbitration

Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 November, The Regional Committee of the F. S. I. Lazio and the regional Trustee of the Arbitrators, with the permission of the C. A. F. F. S. I., organize the course for referees, Saturday, November 17, the seminar of arbitration....

During The Arbitrators Regional

Organised by the Regional Committee of the Lazio region, in collaboration with the trustee of the arbitrators , was held in Rome, at the ADS SS Lazio Chess , in the 18th and 19th of June the course for referees regional examinations that have been...

Course framework to Referee the Regional

The Regional Committee of the Lazio and the trustee of the arbitrators of the Lazio was held in Rome the course for The framework to Referee in the Regional". THE course will be held on 18 and 19 June, at the circle of SS Lazio in via Nathan 41. The exam can be...

Refresher course on the new Federal Regulation

The Regional Committee and the Regional Trustee of the Arbitrators, in collaboration with the ASD Academy Chess Roman organizes the “Progress update on the new Federal Regulation in force from September 1, 2014”. In consideration...

Course for Referees Regional

The Regional Committee of the Lazio and the CAF - Regional Trustee of the Arbitrators in collaboration with the ASD Circolo Chess Vitinia announce the COURSE FOR REFEREES OF CHESS that is valid for admission to the examinations of the Referee in the Regional Rome, 11 - 12...

Postponed the SEMINAR for REFEREES F. S. I.

It was postponed to a date to be decided at the SEMINAR for REFEREES F. S. I. scheduled for Saturday, 26 November 2011 at the premises of the ASD Rocca Priora" (via della Rocca 23 ROCCA PRIORA - RM), to care FOR Manlio...

Corso per Arbitro Regionale

L’A.S.D. Quattro Torri, in collaborazione con Comitato Regionale F.S.I. Lazio, indìce un Corso per Arbitro Regionale presso la sede dell’Associazione - via Confalonieri, 30 - Pomezia, che si svolgerà nei giorni 30-31 ottobre 2009 e 6 gennaio…