Province of RomeThe Regional committee of the Lazio region
The Italian Chess FederationThe Regional committee of the Lazio region
Province of FrosinoneThe Regional committee of the Lazio region
The Italian Chess FederationThe Regional committee of the Lazio region
Province of LatinaThe Regional committee of the Lazio region
The Italian Chess FederationThe Regional committee of the Lazio region
Province of RietiThe Regional committee of the Lazio region
The Italian Chess FederationThe Regional committee of the Lazio region
Province of ViterboThe Regional committee of the Lazio region

Instructors chess Lazio

The instructors involved to bring young people closer to the game of chess in a playful way, and to accompany them in a journey of growth together with their peers, by activating a game of chess in the schools, in Clubs and in the various territories of association for the boys such as: libraries, after-school centres, summer camps, etc.

The Tutor

Instructors Head – Tutor

Instructors chapter

  • Luigi Maggi

  • Marco Corvi

  • Alessio Elia

  • Marco Modestino

  • Lexy Ortega

  • Sergio Pagano

  • Renato Tribuiani

  • Michele Blonna

  • Adriano Cecconi

  • Carmine De Lisa

Regulation Instructors and School

Upcoming courses for instructors


6° Microcycle of the lessons of the GM Ortega

In the annex to the programme of the 6th microcycle of lectures by GM Ortega. The lessons will take place at the headquarters of the Lazio Chess, via Nathan to Rome, dat to define

MF Marco Corvi

Courses of MF Marco Crows in Rome

GM Mariotti and MF Gervasi Neptune

The Circle of Chess the Four Towers of Anzio are active courses chess GM Mariotti and MF Gervasi.

GM Mariotti in Rocca Priora

The Great Maestro Sergio Mariotti held a course at the club, Rocca Priora, in via della Rocca, 23, on Friday from 16 to 20.

School of Excellence Vitinia – year Master's Course (under 20)

The Great Maestro Daniele Vocaturo held a course at the Club Chess Vitinia, aimed at players under 20 national category. The course is structured in a weekly lesson 1 hour, and are provided for a maximum of 5 students...

MF Naples, Ostia

The Fide Master Nicolò Napoli takes a course for players of a national category at Ostia at the premises of the Pro Loco of the station Lido Centro. For any information you can contact Francis Nassetti to the n. 320-4467351 or write...

2° Microcycle of the lessons of the GM Ortega

In the annex to the programme of the 2nd microcycle of lectures by GM Ortega. Classes are held on Thursdays at 18 at the headquarters of the Lazio Chess, via Nathan to Rome.

FM Napoli, Nicolo’

With the international qualification of FIDE TRAINER has been teaching all over the territory: the individual, group, online, racing, under-16... Among the circles of the Lazio, with whom he collaborated: the Circle of chess Rieti, Four Towers,...

Chess school ASD Chess Rocca Priora

Livelli: 1    2    3     Indirizzo: Via della Rocca 23    00040  Rocca Priora    (RM)   LAZIO     Sito/Email:

Want to participate in the next course for instructors school?

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